Sunday, July 28, 2019

Day 2 - Arrive in Paris

I can now say I'd helped a drunk man find his airplane seat while at 39,000 feet in the air. May I never have to experience that again. Oh look, France! If you've only ever visited Paris you've not seen the real France. Hopefully I can get into the countryside during this trip.

Coming in for arrival

My Airbnb is a few blocks from the palace. It's also a block away from the oldest farmers market in the world. This one was started in the 1500s and happens three times a week.
Going strong since 1500's

The flowers here cannot be beat

With all the delicious French food around all of the American fast food restaurants were jammed with French people, young and old. I never saw less than 50-100 people waiting to order or get food.  Burger King, McDonalds, KFC.. all jammed.

After a short 4 hour nap I wanted to see the neighborhood. What a change from when I laid down. The market was gone.

This square was packed with vendors.

It's 9pm and still sunny. Perfect to capture some of Versailles.

We get to experience this tomorrow as part of the ball.

Bottom line - that's why I'm here

Semi-automatic machine guns

My 1euro bread. Perfect match for the cheese I got earlier.

There are churches everywhere, this one built by King Louie 11th.

Friday night, little bands performing in the small squares
 While I was walking around a music festival has appeared in the area which earlier held the farmers market. Europe does a great job of finding ways for the public to enjoy themselves in public gatherings.

I'm done, need dinner and sleep. Bread, two kinds of cheese = $6 total. Dessert was a splurge at 12e for 10 macaroon.

Tonight's dinner

My setup for eating dinner

My kitchen for dinner

My patio view for enjoying dinner

 Views like this on my patio are why you travel. You're not getting this in the states. Bedtime.

Tomorrow - masquerade ball in the Palace of Versailles. If I can stay awake until dawn then it'll be breakfast in Marie Antoniette's place.

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